Why should you hire a professional photographer? Because it is really tricky to take pictures of your own children!  Here are a few shots from 3 separate 5 minute occasions.  Some are ok (I only got them with bribes of lots of candy!) and others I included just because they are funny 🙂 Good thing they are so cute!

Lily is upset because SHE wanted to hold Oliver, haha.  Mason doesn’t like that she is screaming.  This is a very normal scenario at our house 🙂

After about 10 pictures I get this look, and the question, “where’s my candy?”

And this last one is my favorite, they look so sweet and cute.  Probably because Mason decided he wanted to take a pictures together so they behaved.  The only problem is that Mason is in his jammies, Lily is in her Minnie Mouse dress up, Oliver is grumpy and the light was super dark. But I suppose that is real life, and a reminder that I no longer have control 🙂

They still demanded candy afterwords even though it was Mason’s idea to take the picture!  Sigh…




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