Meet April
Albany New York Birth Photographer, Clifton Park New York Family Photographer

How it started
In 2010, lost in a sea of motherhood and postpartum depression, I picked up my camera in a desperate attempt to find myself again, not mom, wife, daughter or sister, just April.
Always loving a challenge and learning new things I committed myself to a 365 project, taking a picture a day for a year. My year of learning not only connected me to the camera but to my children, emotions and stories around me. Most importantly, photography connected me to myself again!

Storytelling became an important part of my personal projects. Likewise, I wanted to create stories for my clients. Now I'm an Albany New York Birth Photographer and family photographer all over New York Capital Region capturing those beautiful stories, moments and memories for my clients to cherish for years to come.

Birth and Family
Luckily enough I had 4 opportunities of holding my baby for the first time, smelling their head, hearing their cry and exploding with love and awe. Birth and birth space are so sacred and I know how important those fleeting memories are. I have a lot of experience so you don't need to worry about pictures, just focus on having your baby!
Kids grow so fast! Birth is fleeting, newborns become babies, who turn into toddlers and after that they are basically in college! Pictures are worth a thousand words, how cliche, but certainly cherished for generations. In short, lets document some memories, whether it is baby's birth story, baby's first year or updated family pictures and milestones. I want to capture your story with all its love, chaos and joy!
Ready to see the babies ?!?
Maybe grab some tissues...
I am so excited for you to see a glimpse of the beauty and rawness of birth plus some adorable babies!